Wednesday, October 15, 2014

M 1931

Assignment for the 10/18/14

I choose the scene from mark 1:40-1:48 when the "murdered" was brought before a prosecution and jury of people and mothers of the children he was on trial for killing. In that scene the convicted murderer was giving reason for his brutal act. He seems like a mad, confused person, he said that he was hearing voices in his head, he was being haunted by ghost and he cant remember anything. He was making a claim that he should not be held responsible for his action as they were done outside of his consciousness. The defense lawyer agreed with him and stated that he should be held in a mental ward because killing him serves no purpose.

I chose this scene because its reminiscent of people who are mentally ill and often times commit crimes they are unaware of until someones point it out to them, but are too confused to grasp the actuality of what they really did.  However, is mental retardation an excuse to kill and not be held responsible, does not being in the right frame of mind an excuse not to be punished? is this a reflection of what a nihilist would say in defending their actions, that they weren't aware of the things they were doing and as such cant be held accountable?. If a crime was brought upon us or a family member by a sick person (mental as in the case of the accused murderer) first thing that would come to mind is justice. But, in seeing this accused murderer and the look he had on his face. Looks of fear, confusion and as if he was lost, would how you feel change, do you think he would be better of being dead or being held in an asylum? As one of the mother's pointed out no one knows the pain of loosing a child and as the prosecutor said "does asylum heal a mentally ill person?. What punishment would be suited for this man? 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Weimar Republic

Summary of paragraph 175 (Society -Homophobia)

The summation of this paragraph is in reference to Buggery law. If a man and man were caught in a sexual act or any sexual position that can illicit a punishment of up to 10 years. Likewise sex between humans and animals are deemed punishable. Society back then were homophobic, now we are seeing a world in which many things deemed punishable back in those time periods are now readily accepted.

As this relates to Nihilism from a biblical/religious stance, a nihilist would not see anything wrong with sexual acts between two men.  A nihilist doesn't care much about what the bible says or what society thinks is morally right. They would probably think life has no real meaning so everyone should be free to do whatever they want and with whomever they chose to and just live life.

The Weimar Republic

Chorus from "its All a Swindle (Alles Schwindel), by Mischa Spoliansky and Marcellus Schiffer.

Life's a swindle, yes, its all a swindle
so get what you can
from your fellow man
Girls and boys today
would rather steal than pay
and we don't care
we tell them get your share
Life is short and greed's in season
all mankind has lost its reason
life is good, knock on wood, knock, knock

Alles Schwindle, alles schwindle,
uberall wohin du guckst
und wohin du spuckst!
Alles ist heut ein Gesindle
jedes Girl und jeder Boy,
's wird einem schlecht dabei!
's wird ein'm schwindling von dem schwindel,
alles, alles, alles, schwindel,
unberufen toi! toi! toi!

Life is a swindle, when trying to analyze and interpret the lyrics of the chorus, what immediately came to mind was that its every man for themselves. Swindle means to cheat, and the lyrics reflects that meaning. life has lost its morals. Everyone wants to get ahead, nothing is wrong with getting ahead, its the approach we take in order to get there. Instead of working with and building up each other we instead try and "swindle" our way into getting things. People have become untrustworthy, unreliable and they only look out for themselves and what they can get. Greed has become the order of the day.
I chose this passage because its reflects the society we are living in today. We have lost compassion for each other, we care not for each others feelings or well being, its all about the greed and self gratification and what we can get by using each other.

2nd. "No time"  (Keine Zeit) music by Rudolf Nelson, lyrics by Herbert Nelson
No time, no time, no time
Yes, we have no time
Sorry, but we're always on the go,
with tongues hanging out as we run,
No time, no time, no time,
no hours nor even a second to spare,
We hardly sleep, we don't rest,
No time, no time, no time

Keine Zeit, keine zeit, keine zeit, Ja, wir haben keine Zeit. Es tut uns leid.
Wir sind immer auf dem Sprung, haengt uns raus schon die Zung und doch wir renne, ja
wir kennen keine Zeit.
Keine Zeit, keine zeit, keine Zeit, keine Stunde und Sekunde haben wir Zeit. Ja, wir
schlafen heute kaum noch, den wir ruhen uns nicht aus. Keine Zeit, keine zeit, keine zeit.

These lyrics are saying people have no time, they are always moving, no time for themselves. they can hardly breath.
I choose this lyrics because to me they epitomizes life in New York. Everything is so rushed, people are always on the go. Individuals have family, school, some have multiple jobs and have no time to rest. With everything so rushed often times families suffers as a result, the family and home dynamics are broken down and causes trust issues, children going a stray. Bonds are often broken and relationships suffers, because of lack of quality time with the people that matters the most. We are so caught up in the fast paced life.