Saturday, November 8, 2014


"It is understood that, in reality, obedience is determined by highly robust motives of fear and hope--fear of the vengeance of magical powers or of the power-holder, hope for reward in this world or in the beyond-- and besides all this, by interests of the most varied sort. Of this we shall speak presently. However, in asking for the 'legitimations' of this obedience, one meets with these three 'pure' types: 'traditional,' 'charismatic,' and 'legal" (PG2).
In analyzing the above quote it is stating that obedience is often done out of fear. Fear from one or many things, fear from being presumably punished by those in power. It is also saying that there are rewards from being obedient whether it be earthly rewards or rewards after death (beyond). Weber is questioning whether there are legal stance of traditional, charismatic and legal principles of "obedience".

I chose this quote because it has many variations, and the tenets of one person doesn't define the tenets of everyone. Yes, we are obedient often times out of fear, but to me, on a bigger picture obedience is achieved or practice out of respect. For example, I obey my parents, elders, those in authority because I respect them and not out of I fear, cowards are the ones who people or situations and disobey rules and regulations. I don't think obedience has many hats, its either your obedient or disobedient. Voicing an opinion sometimes can be seen as being disobedient and as such will illicit a punishment especially in a legal system or with your parents. Yes there are rewards for being obedient like there are consequences for being disobedient. If one does not obey the rules of any system whether it be at work, or rules at school and home then you are going to be punished for your disobedience. If you obey the rules for example at home then you will be rewarded with that new play station.
 In concluding obedience can be determined by motives of fear, fear from punishment, fear from jail etc . But, if you obey the law, rules and regulations then you will be rewarded. I guess being rewarded in the beyond is taken from a biblical stance, where you will go to "heaven" and be with God if you follow his commandments. Fear should not determine obedience but it often times do, obedience should be displayed out of respect and not fear.


  1. Great analysis. Nowadays, there are a lots of young people who are not obedient and instead they turn to be disrespectful, but once they commit a crime and go to prison they are most likely to be obedient because of the law.

  2. Thank you Doris! Yes disobedience is at an all time high especially among high school students..
